INTRODUCTION CopyPaste is the winner of : * MacUser Shareware Utility of 1996 * * America Online Macintosh Utilities Shareware Award for 1996 * * Shareware Junkies Best Mac Software of 1997 * One of the early wonders of the Mac was its revolutionary ability to do copy and paste across various applications. Unlike other areas in the Mac's system software that have changed and progressed over the years, copying and pasting has not evolved. How many times have you found yourself going back and forth copying in one application and pasting in a different application, wishing to yourself that you could copy 5-10 items at a time, then go to another application and paste each of these items? Now you can, with a vengeance! Drop CopyPaste on top of the System Folder and it will tell you it wants to go into the Extension Folder, hit OK. Restart. Below is an overview of everything CopyPaste does. Don’t be overwhelmed by all the descriptions. Don’t try to understand or use everything at once. Just install and read about the Clip Extender and the CopyPaste Palette then try it out a little at a time. CopyPaste will grow on you! CopyPaste magnifies the clipboard in different ways. We call these features: • Clip Extender ⌘ c # (# = any number) Gives 10 easy to access clipboards via menu or key command. • Palette ⌘ c click, or ⌘ c p A floating window that allows you to view/use the 10 clipboards in Clip Extender and in Clip Recorder. It also allows the use of drag and drop from any application (which supports drag and drop) to any of the clipboards. • ClipViewer click any clip on the Palette Built into the CopyPaste Palette lets you view the content of your clipboards. It displays the text or the picture or it plays the sound. • Utilities available via the Menus or Palette These utilities convert text, pictures, time and date data in the clipboard. • Clip Recorder click on the cassette icon on the Palette Remembers up to 200 clips copied via the standard ⌘+C. • Clip Archive ⌘ c space # (# = any number) Copied data is appended to one of 10 text files on disk. • Save Clipboards thru Restarts Allows all 10 Clipboards to be saved thru Shutdown or Restart. • Clip Sets Open / save buttons on palette Sets of 10 clipboards can be loaded and saved to disk. Various Clip Sets can be created for different tasks. Clip Sets can also be sent to other CopyPaste users for them to load and use. • Tag and Drop off by default adjustable thru the preferences Selected text can be copied to a different location with a single mouseclick. • Application Switcher ⌘ tab by default but adjustable thru the preferences Lets you switch between any running applications quickly. • Drag and Drop click and drag to the Palette Lets you drag text , picture or sound files to any clipboard on the Palette. The Clipboards can also be rearranged using Drag and Drop, but dragging from the palette is not possible. • Clip Append Works only with text and the Palette Selected text can be appended to an existing text clip by shift click on a C button. The text clips are separated by a tab character to allow it to flow into a database table. More information on all these features can be found in the following chapters and in the online help. The Floating Palette and the Clipboard Viewer require at least System 7.1! CopyPaste eliminates tedious repetitive work and increases your ability to get the job done.